Improve and Raise Morale in the Workplace

Here in Australia, we put a lot of emphasis on the word “leadership.” Such indispensable qualities are naturally possessed by many and taught to others. Being a leader is a position of honor and it should be taken seriously. After all, for many, their quality of work-life depends on the actions and attitude of one. This is why it is important for leaders to be aware of their employee morale.

Raising morale allows a leader to strengthen relationships and build confidence in his or her group of collaborators. This creates an atmosphere of productivity; where direction can be openly offered, results are measured, and support is available. A great benefit of raising morale is that it lowers the turnover rate. To raise morale and secure a positive workplace environment, it’s important to know what works.

The recipe for motivating employees in Australia has traditionally included rewards.

Ingredients like wage increases, public recognition, compliments, awards, and warm weather vacations make for friendly workplace competition. However, these types of rewards often go to the workers who are already motivated. This is typically a small percentage of all people. What about those who don’t actively participate? Could they be the ordinary seeking to become extraordinary?

It’s important to raise morale by focusing on each individual. By having every person construct a self-story about who they are, why they work, and how they are best able to help the company, a network of purpose can emerge. When people feel free to speak about why they add value to the organization, they will inevitably add value.

It costs less to improve morale in the workplace than it does to hire and train new staff.

Great staff morale makes for a happy workplace and grows loyalty to the company’s mission and goals. It makes employees feel like an integral part of the company’s success. Employees are invested when inspired at work. So how do we really instill employee motivation?

Raises, compliments, sales awards, and trips are surface motivators. What a lot of people really want runs deeper. They want autonomy. They want to contribute. They want to be themselves and be valued for it. They want to make a difference.

To motivate employees, let them be creative. They may already be doing extraordinary things outside of the workplace and have talents that can advance the corporation if brought inside. Instead of always telling employees what to do, ask them, “What would you like to contribute? What makes you happy at work? How would you like to implement your plan?” The key to boosting morale is giving them the freedom and approval to be extraordinary in the workplace and contribute their talents.

Edmond Otis is a motivator, communicator, and coach. He draws on his career and life skills to come up with memorable conversation topics that speak to a variety of people throughout Australia, New Zealand and the US. If you like his article on Improve and Raise Morale in the Workplace, consider Edmond for your next speaking event or purposeful group gathering.