Dealing with Difficult Face-to-face Interactions: Making the workplace a safer and better place to be

Workshop Description: One-hour conference address, 90-minute, half or full-day presentation

Modern public sector employees serve a far broader mix of people and personalities then almost any other profession. And by far, the majority of our community members are pleasant, cooperative, and appreciative of our services.

A certain percentage, however, range from difficult, to demanding, to angry, to irrational, to downright scary. These individuals require special attention, special skills, and special strategies – if we are to interact with them effectively and make our workplace a safe and sane place for us to be and to feel good about.

This unique half or full-day workshop provides training in developing the actual verbal, emotional and physical interpersonal skills we all need to turn conflict into cooperation, and successfully deal with the most challenging types of people.

The workshop’s focus on real public sector work dynamics, and it’s unique, hands on – what to do – training emphasis goes to the heart of addressing a topic that concerns every public employee.